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Hunslet Moor
Primary School

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Nursery Admissions

Welcome to Hunslet Moor Nursery!

Here at Hunslet Moor we will provide your child with a stimulating and caring learning environment.

We encourage all children to try new activities whilst learning about themselves, their friends and families and the world around them.

Children learn best when they are having fun so we aim to ensure that every child enjoys their time in Nursery and looks forward to coming to school each day.

Nursery Sessions

Morning session  8.45 – 11.45
Afternoon session  12.00 – 3.30

We offer flexible places, where children attend for two and half days per week and 30 hour places.

Nursery admissions policy

How can I enrol my child?

  • Visit or phone our school office to register your child on our Nursery waiting list. Children are able to start Nursery the term after they are three years old.
  • You will then receive a phone call to arrange a home visit. During this visit we will check that we have all the correct paperwork and also give your child the opportunity to meet their class teachers.
  • After a home visit your child will be given a start date and will be invited to join our Nursery.
  • In the case of a waiting list, priority will be given to the oldest children first, as Nursery is an important step before entering full time education in Reception. After this, priority will be given in the order that children were registered on the waiting list.

Coming into Nursery

We invite Parents and Carers to bring their child into Nursery and help them to find their name card for self registration. Our routine is shown below;

  • Children come in and hang their own coats up.
  • Parents and Carers are welcome to bring their child in and help them to find their name card, supported by the Nursery team.
  • Children access the areas of provision and engage in learning activities that have been purposefully set up to develop specific learning skills.

Parents and Carers are welcome to stay with their child for a short while but sometimes staying for too long can be confusing for young children. We will work together with you to help your child feel settled and discuss their needs with you when they start.

The Key Person Role

When your child starts Nursery, they will be provided with a Key Person. The Key Person will take time to build a strong relationship with both you and your child, ensuring you feel valued and supported throughout your time with us.


To document all of the amazing things you child gets up to in Nursery, they will each have their own tapestry profile. Tapestry is a secure online Learning Journal to record photos, observations and comments. We welcome parents and carers to also get involved by sharing experiences and interests that your child has at home.

Upon starting you will be required to submit an email address, here is where all tapestry entries will be sent to.

Tapestry-Logo (2)

We really value the importance of Parents and Carers and believe that you are the key to your child’s success. You know your child better than anybody and you can really help your child to succeed in life.

If you have any further questions, would like to know more about our Nursery provision or would like to arrange a visit, please contact our Nursery Lead staff;  Mrs Samantha Gray (Mon-Wed) or Mrs Jessica Browne (Wed-Fri) via our school office telephone number: 0113 2717257.

We look forward to working together with you in our Early Years.