Jason Waddington
Chair of Governors
Co-Opted Representative
I joined the Hunslet Moor governing body in 2011. At the time my eldest son was in year 4 and my youngest in Reception. I joined so I could give something back, and to help make the school a great place for children and adults alike. I brought my knowledge of Health & Safety and I am enthusiastic about being the lead governor in that area. My keen interest in SEND has also lead me to lead in that area within school, I enjoy working with our dedicated staff who continuously strive to evolve and improve the SEND provision.
Both of my children have now moved onto the next stages of their education journey, but I hope to remain as a governor at Hunslet Moor for many more years to come.
As Chair I lead the Resources Committee, Pupil Support Committee and Pay Committee as well as some key areas in School incluidng Headteacher performance management, Complaints, Children Looked After, SEND, Medical and Health and Safety.